Age related changes around the eyes and forehead can cause the eyebrows to sag and make the upper eyelids droop. This lowering of the eyebrows can lead to an aged and grumpy appearance, and can also create deep forehead wrinkles and fatigue from the muscle activity required to keep your eyebrows lifted. At Thomas Dermatology with locations in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Matthew Hand will discuss the various procedures to lift your eyebrows and rejuvenate the upper portions of your face.
There are a number of different ways to lift and support the eye brows. The technique used is dependent on the location and degree of support required to lift the brow, which varies from individual to individual. Eyebrow lifting procedures are often performed in combination with other eyelid surgeries as it is important to address the individual causes of aging around the eyes. Dr. Matthew Hand will meet with you to assess your needs and discuss the best treatment to achieve your goals.
The main benefits of a brow lift at Thomas Dermatology include:
Expert surgeons at Thomas Dermatology use the latest advances in technology and surgical procedures to ensure the best outcome.
If you’re experiencing heavy brows, eye fatigue, or feel like your eyebrows and eyelids make you appear older, then you might be a good candidate for a brow lift. Dr. Matthew Hand will meet with you to review your goals and treatment options as well as what to expect during the procedure before personalizing a treatment plan that matches your needs.
Prior to your procedure, Dr. Hand will review your operative plan, including all adjunct procedures, and answer any questions you may have. Comprehensive pre- and post-operative instructions will also be provided. Follow your surgeon’s instructions prior to undergoing any surgery. This could include asking you to stop taking certain medications.
Brow lift surgery is performed in the office under local anesthesia with light sedation. After you’re comfortable and numb, Dr. Hand will perform your brow lift along with any additional procedures around the eyes. Adjunct procedures include upper and lower blepharoplasty, volumization with fat grafting or fillers as well as laser resurfacing.
You will be discharged home the same day as the procedure. Be sure to have a friend or family member drive you home, as you will not be allowed to drive after sedation. A comprehensive list of medications and instructions are provided to ensure you take optimal care and get the best results possible.
Downtime after surgery depends on what procedures you’ve had performed and typically ranges from 1-2 weeks with minimal exertional activity.
To learn more about brow lifts and find out if you’re a candidate for the procedure, call Thomas Dermatology or schedule an appointment online today.